Help us!

You can volunteer for the areas of production or awareness and support us. We look forward to your help!

We are delighted that you would like to apply as a production worker at 48h Wilhelmsburg! As in previous years, various tasks await you: For example, we need people to look after the information stands and know about the program. Ideally, you know your way around the neighborhood so that you can give visitors information on where to find which location or the act they are looking for. Then we need people to go around the district selling wristbands and bringing our supporter wristbands to the people. We are also looking for plenty of helping hands to look after the musicians and venues, to be on site as contact persons for 48h Wilhelmsburg, to signpost and decorate the respective venue and, if necessary, to sell drinks.

We offer you an expense allowance in the form of a volunteer allowance, an insight into the organization of a non-profit music festival, a great team and the opportunity to make new contacts.
At best, you should bring the following with you: Enjoy communicating with people and be willing to take on a certain amount of responsibility in your job. You should be at least 18 years old and be able to communicate in German. Great if you can also speak other languages!

If you have applied via the form, we will contact you, clarify any questions and see if we can work well together.

Then there will be a production meeting approx. 1-2 weeks before the festival (probably 2 dates), where you will receive all the information about your work and your work schedule. Participation in one of the two meetings is obligatory and will be remunerated via the lump sum. If both dates do not suit you at all, we will find a solution!

(All details are mandatory. If something should change afterwards, or if you have any questions, that's no problem. Just send a short email to:

We look forward to seeing you!

Personal data

Communication & operating times

48h Wilhelmsburg begins on Fri. 07.06.2024 at 6 pm and ends on Sun. 09.06.2024 at 6 pm. As a rule, the event ends at 11 pm at the latest and begins (Sat./Sun.) at 10 am at the earliest.

Additional information about your availability (optional)

We try to take your wishes into account, but cannot always guarantee this.

Further information

Data protection

I agree that I may be contacted by 48h for organizational purposes. This is done by e-mail via the third-party provider CleverReach. We expressly point out that we only send e-mails that are essential for the smooth organization of 48h Wilhelmsburg. More about this in our privacy policy.

Liebe Interessierte!
Wir freuen uns, dass Du Dich als Awarenesskraft bei 48h Wilhelmsburg bewerben möchtest!

Als Awarenesskraft bei 48h Wilhelmsburg achtest du auf ein respektvolles Miteinander, Sicherheit und Wohlbefinden unter den Besucher:innen. Das heißt, Du solltest potenzielle Risiken frühzeitig erkennen und präventive Deeskalationsmaßnahmen ergreifen. Du bist aber auch für Besucher:innen zuständig, die unter Umständen bereits eine schwierige Situation erlebt haben und dabei Unterstützung brauchen. Unsere Awarenesskräfte tragen also maßgeblich dazu bei, einen Raum zu schaffen, in dem sich alle wohlfühlen können und keinerlei Übergriffe oder diskriminierendes Verhalten geduldet werden. Sie unterstützen sich gegenseitig und schaffen “safer spaces”, die einen Gewinn für alle Menschen darstellen.

Die Awarenesss-Arbeit ist eine sehr verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe, daher sind Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich wünschenswert, aber keine Voraussetzung – wir lernen von und miteinander! Wichtig dafür ist ein sensibler und empathischer Umgang mit Menschen, sowie eine ehrliche und offene Kommunikation. Außerdem solltest du mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein und Dich auf Deutsch verständigen können. Super, wenn Du noch andere Sprachen mitbringst! Die Tätigkeit wird mit einer Ehrenamtspauschale nach §3 Nr. 26a EStG vergütet.

You will also have the chance to take part in an awareness workshop that will not only prepare you for the weekend, but will also be enriching for you and everyday situations.

Can you imagine supporting us in our awareness work at 48h Wilhelmsburg? Then please fill out the form below. We will get in touch with you to clarify any questions and to see if we can work well together.

If you have applied via the form, we will contact you, clarify any questions and see if we can work well together.

Then there will be an awareness workshop in May, where you will receive all the information about your job and your work schedule. Attendance at the workshop is mandatory unless you can prove that you have already taken part in any training.

(All details are mandatory. If something should change afterwards, or if you have any questions, that's no problem. Just send a short email to:

We look forward to seeing you!

Personal data

Communication & operating times

48h Wilhelmsburg begins on Fri. 07.06.2024 at 6 pm and ends on Sun. 09.06.2024 at 6 pm. As a rule, the event ends at 11 pm at the latest and begins (Sat./Sun.) at 10 am at the earliest.

Additional information about your availability (optional)

Further information

Data protection

I agree that I may be contacted by 48h for organizational purposes. This is done by e-mail via the third-party provider CleverReach. We expressly point out that we only send e-mails that are essential for the smooth organization of 48h Wilhelmsburg. More about this in our privacy policy.